(s) (noun), exopathies
A disease originating outside the body: Jack found out in his research that the ailment exopathy didn't begin inside the body of the deceased person.
exudative vitreoretinopathy
(s) (noun), exudative vitreoretinopathies
Vitreoretinopahy characterized by entry of protein and cells into the vitreous space of the eye: Sally knew that her eyes were in very bad condition and learned that she had a slowly progressive ocular disease called exudative vitreoretinopathy.
(s) (noun), fetopathies
1. A morbid condition in the embryo or fetus; embryopathy: Fetopathy is a disorder caused by an abnormal embryonic development resulting in congenital irregularities.
2. A disease in a fetus in the beginning of a mother's pregnancy: Fetopathy can arise between the middle of the first month and the end of the third month of intrauterine growth of the unborn baby and can be caused by a genetic disturbance, by poisoning, or by an infectious illness.
forensic pathology
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A branch of medicine concerned with determining the cause of deaths usually for civil or criminal law cases: Floyd thought that
forensic pathology sounded very exciting and decided to specialize in this field of work.
The forensic pathologist performs autopsies to determine the cause of a death, such as examining a bullet wound to the head, exsanguination, strangulation, etc. and the manner of a death (including homicide, accident, natural, or suicide).
Forensic pathologists also work closely with the coroner (England and Wales) or medical examiner (United States). The examination of dead bodies (autopsy or post mortem) is a subset of anatomical pathology.
Forensic pathologists are often also known as forensic medical examiners or police surgeons.
(s) (noun), gammopathies
A primary disturbance in immunoglobulin: Wilber learned that gammopathy was an ailment causing a disturbance in the formation of human gamma globulin that controls immune responses.
(s) (noun), gangliopathies
In medicine, a diseased condition of the central ganglia of the sympathetic system: Gangliopathy is a pathological infectious ailment pertaining to the nervous ganglia, particularly of the subordinate ganglia.
(s) (noun), gastroenteropathies
Any disorder of the alimentary canal: When Bruce went to see his doctor about feeling ill in his stomach, he was told that he had gastroenteropathy, an infection in his stomach and intestines.
(s) (noun), gastropathies
Any disease of the stomach: Gastropathy is a general term for any kind of illness in the stomach area, including gastritis, gastroparesis, and assorted kinds of cancers.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The science or theory concerned with the harmful effects on the body by environment, topography, climate, food and water supplies, and ecological factors: Geopathology is the study of the peculiarities of diseases caused by the Earth's radiation on humans, plants, and animals.
(glah SAHP uh thee) (s) (noun), glossopathies
Any disease of the tongue: When Dr. White looked at Bridget's tongue, he said it was in a condition of glossopathy, which caused her so much pain, and he gave her some medication to cure the ailment.
(adjective) (not comparable)
Regarding an individual's handwriting as a indication of a mental disorder: Jane thought it was very intriguing when someone's penmanship was used to find out if that person had an emotional or mental disorder.
(s) (noun), graphopathologists
Someone who interprets personality disorders from the study of handwriting: Jack thought his uncle's job as a graphopathologist was super interesting because the penmanship of a person was the clue to any mental illnesses that a person might have.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
In psychology, the study of handwriting as a symptom of a mental or an emotional disorder: Graphopathology can be described as the medical interpretation or diagnosis of personality disorders based on an individual's handwriting.
Referring to a disease appearing or found only in women: Dr. Snow detected a gynecopathic disorder in Jane's uterus which turned out to be completely harmless.
(s) (noun), gynecopathies
Any disease peculiar to women, especially one involving the genitourinary system: During her medical studies to become a gynaecologist, Mary took a course in gynecopathy to learn more about ailments or disorders unique to women.

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